The article can be: “Do it server-side.“. But sometimes it’s not possible, so, how we can do it?
If you need something accurate and you cannot use server-side solutions, you can use libraries like GeoIP or of course Yahoo!/Google APIs.
Let’s see two simple approaches using two different services, we just use JQuery for simplicity’s sake:
Having an element made like the following:
You will of course need an element with the id country, such as:
<p>The user with IP <span id="ip"> </span> is located at <span id="city"> </span>, <span id="country"> </span>.</p>
And a very simple JS code like the following:
$.get("http://ipinfo.io", function(response) { $("#ip").text(response.ip); $("#city").text(response.city); $("#country").text(response.country); }, "jsonp");
That’s good if you just need to fetch the country code, such as if you are checking if a user comes from a specific country.
$.get('http://api.ninjaloader.com/api/getcc', function(data) { $("#country").text(data); } });
You will of course need an element with the id country, such as:
<p>The code of your country is <span id="country"> </span>.</p>